Your Bible

C.B.S. news created a firestorm over some documents regarding our president’s service in the Air National Guard. Questions were raised about their authenticity. At this writing the news organization has announced that they no longer have any trust in the documents. One still wonders as to the source and purpose of the fake writings initially.

It is unfortunate that C.B.S. never was able to investigate whether they had received genuine information. Anytime you hear or read something, you might want to know the one who is providing that which you are reading or hearing. That alone some times will determine if you can trust what is given as fact.

That is what makes the Bible so trustworthy. We know who the author is and we know He would never mislead anyone. People have attempted to discredit the scriptures, but proof of their authenticity continues to surface. People have attempted to remove it from existence, but it remains.

When did you last open your Bible and allow God to speak to you? Trust me, your life will never be the same when you turn to God’s word for guidance.

Come see us Sunday.