Your Destiny

An article came across my desk that told an incident in the life of Albert Einstein. It seems the famous scientist was on a train heading for an out of town engagement. The conductor came through punching tickets and came upon Einstein sitting in the car. When asked for his ticket the great scientist began to fumble around in an attempt to find it. Looking through his coat and briefcase, he was unable to locate his ticket. The conductor then said, "Dr. Einstein, we all know who you are. I am certain you bought a ticket. Do not worry about it."

The conductor went on his way, punching other tickets as he went through the rail car. As he was about to move on to the next car he looked back and saw Einstein on his knees attempting to locate his ticket. The conductor went back and said, "Dr. Einstein, please do not worry about it. I know who you are." Einstein looked up and said, "I too know who I am, but what I do not know is where I am going."

Ever wonder where you are going? Have you thought about what your eternal destiny might be? Want to get going in the right direction? Now is the best time to decide on your course.
