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to Seasons
(Seasons in Life and in Nature)
Seasons Poems compilation and format copyright(c) 2006 by Marilee
Miller. Poems individually copyrighted previously.
You may make one copy for personal use. Permission granted to share
with 4 or 5 friends. This full notice must appear with the collection
or with individual poems. No mass-distribution, no commercial or for-
profit use. For permission to post "Seasons" Poems on your web page or
blog, e-mail:
The reason
For the changing seasons
Is that we need variety,
Not everything staying
the same.
If there were always sunshine
We'd take it for granted!
(Besides, how could the
flowers and grass
find strength to grow?)
And if the rain slanted
All year, we'd complain;
While floods' notoriety
Would be anything but tame!
Experiencing different seasons
Gives us a reason
To rejoice and be glad,
and to grow.
(c) 2003
by Marilee Miller
The rain sounds like big tympani drums
Beat-beating on the steamed glass.
Thum thum, roll roll, goes drummer hail,
Rhythm bouncing high in the grass.
The wind in the trees is a clarinet
In jazzy melody-burst;
The thunder is as cymbals bold
In orchestra, tuning up first.
God thinks up a little weather-shout --
And obliging Nature plays it all out!
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
It's September-month,
But a downpour of rain
Is falling steadily,
As if the season
Had come around to February;
And my window pane
Is wet and steamed.
I cannot see the reason
For all this drip-drop,
Continuing splashy rain!
But when the sun finally smiles,
And the world is aglow again,
The flowers will bloom,
To home the bees on.
Now, what can a person do--
When there must be rain?
Some things to do indoors when it rains: #1. Draw pictures
in the steam on the window glass. #2. Hold a "raindrop
race." Guess which drop will first run down to the bottom
of the glass. #3. Place a plant outside your window; watch
all the "bright rain jewels" forming on the leaves. #4. Then
bring plant indoors; look at droplets through magnifying
glass. #5. Study the way the rain falls on a porch or
sidewalk, on cars or non-absorbent surfaces. #6. Think of
all the reasons why rain is needed (to give drinking water, to
make lakes for fishing and fun, etc.)
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
Raindrops on the locust leaves
Are reminders of God's beauty,
A row of bright jewels.
Raindrops on the locust leaves
Tell of laughter in spite of rain;
For it is through the hardest storm
That there comes a shine to leaves,
And little droplets of crystal beads
Glint where water stands to form
Shimmering, lovely jewels.
Rain comes also to my life;
But, when the blowing storm
Has washed me clean,
Then let me lean
On God's promises. May I be
One of his shiny, glorious jewels;
Let me shine for Jesus,
Like water crystals on the leaves
During the downpour of rain.
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
Watch the raindrops fall
On different kinds of leaves,
Plants tiny or tall --
Why do bright wonder-droplets
On rhododendron leaves just ooze,
Making the leaves seem to choose
To be "clean", but not "dripped on"?
(The surface is slick,
And somehow the raindrops
Can't find a way to stick!)
But then, rainwater slipping
Onto locust leaves makes jewels,
Bolder, clearer than crewels
Embroidered to entertain someone!
(The leaves are all a'cover
With tiny "hairs" which make
The raindrops stand up and hover.)
Nasturtiums' broad flat green
Shine with beadlets of
silvery sheen,
roundy leaf holds cup of water's dawn.
(In center funnel, a depression,
Or midst veins or "dammed up valleys"
Rain finds its own expression!)
No need to explore the science of "explaining"
The "why's" of raindrops -- who's complaining?
Raindrops are such beautiful jewels,
As well as offering lessons --
"learning tools"!
(c) 2006 by Marilee Miller (revised version)
Bright rain falls; it ambles,
Dotting teasel-weeds and brambles
That crowd the fencerows' ditches.
And all the roses on their rambles
Receive, with no hint of pain,
The gentle kiss of soft sweet rain.
Crystals bead on blossoms tender,
Or hang from branches brown and slender.
Raindrops shine from roadside's pitches.
See the wonder of quiet rain,
Descending straight from heaven;
Let these moist droplets in a chain
Make a sign like blessings given.
Oh, yes! All the dear, bright
Crystal jewels do shine;
God has given glory-light
Where weeds and roses intertwine.
(c) 2006 by Marilee Miller (revised version)
Trailing strands of vine maple
Wind all 'round the tall pine tree;
In the late fall of the year
The little sprays of leaves
Look as bright as liquid
Yes, when frost kisses the vines,
There is red-orange-gold to see.
Did God make vine maple
Because he loved beauty so --
Or just to please me?
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
Cold the weather may be, outdoors,
But within me,
My Lord still draws near.
Humbly, I seek to sit at his feet
To know of him the more.
Cold January, your cyclone strength
Shall be banished without;
For my home welcomes cheer!
The presence of Holy God,
I choose to plead to come in here!
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
Two tiny shy wood-violet blooms
Burst forth like bright, gladdening giggles,
Peeping amidst the tangle of hail-strewn clover
In a neighbor's straggly winter lawn.
It's late January so the lavender streaks of joy
Offer a rare, "out of season" mark of hope:
Yes, spring is surely, someday, on the way.
May the "out of season" places in my gloomy thoughts
Receive this message of God's exuberance;
May I remember how he delights in opportunity.
Life shall burst richly out of cluttered gray mood,
As he sends his well-spring into my weary day.
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
Winter snow blowing
At liberty,
Picks out delicate patterns
Of grayed thistledown
Falling feather-light;
I press my nose
the bitter glass.
Though I stand secure
In morning room,
Another "me" flies out of doors
To fantasize beyond the pane.
Nature's patterning
In snow sets free
That new and younger "me";
Fulfills joys known pre-puberty:
Smiling, bright experience
Re-opens my youth's magic eye;
Momentarily the vision chases
All "adultness" out of me.
Snowflakes affect me
With a pondering mood
For thought-flickerings of delight.
I would float out in the gray;
Going ever on and on
Hither and yon,
Soft as thistledown,
Like the angel-puff wings
Of silent, drifting
I want to be drawn
To dreams gone,
Understanding to spawn,
Till the graying sky
Is all a part of me.
And I see!
(And feel the flow
Of snow's
Tugging at my mind's shield
Of vulnerability.)
Yet, too grown up am I.
Reality intrudes:
For winter chill
Has no lasting thrill;
Alas, cold's knell
O'ertakes the blesy wonder
Of waking to discover
Morn's hush holiness.
And my adult dislike
Of this cold spell
Leads me (as it will!),
To scuttle off to take advantage
Of my warm bed-ability.
Watching from within the glass
Brings no answer's faun
Of reverencing a new dawn --
But only one chilly yawn.
Brave new world of patterning
(Middle age!) destroys my will,
The keeping
thought's spell
Is lost as coldness
Pushes romance
Into chilled inevitability.
I turn, going back to cover --.
There's no upswinging
Of philosophy bringing
Comfort, nor singing
Of catch-worthy mental mot.
I felt that creeping from bed
To watch sweet snow falling
Would be engulfment in the wave
Of heaven's shore;
New birth, new gift, new sight.
Yet crawling back abed
On winter morn is grown up's
Most conscious luxury.
Change of plan, lessened resolve:
Is that how my life
Henceforth is to be?
Sad, but when body feels winter,
Cold, there's only so much
Child-within-adult viewing new winter snow,
Peculiar show!
Though my vision yearns for winterdown,
I'm content to settle down.
Warm blankets are the patterning
Of best-believability.
Insistently-falling snow:
Chance-glimpsed for a second's sight;
Now safe and warm, I may delight
In remembrance of flakes' fancy flight.
(An adult view of "liveability".)
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
I pray the seasons of your life
be rich!
(If not in things of the material,
Then in things spiritual.)
I pray your hopes and dreams of heart
All come true: and blessings
Added shall be refreshing art.
I pray the seasons of your life
Bring peace into the household.
And that "good will towards men" reaches all
Who pass across your threshhold.
I pray your hopes, the secrets of your heart
May be fulfilled --
And that each day shall truly bring new start.
I pray peace and blessings on your life,
And a gentle spirit, free from strife.
When we are kept in Jesus,
What blessings we do know,
What joys we share,
The little things,
Such as --"He loves us so".
(c) 1981 by Marilee Miller
I'm thankful for my waiting bed,
when it's time to rest;
I'm grateful to my loving God
for knowing what is best.
I'm glad for rain, and sunshine too,
and changing
of the season;
I rejoice that God gives me the power
to think
and sense and reason.
I'm thankful for my daily food--
but I
am happiest
In the hope that God is near;
his love
is true and blest!
(c) 1896 by Marilee Miller
Seasons Poems compilation and format copyright(c) 2006 by Marilee
Miller. Poems individually copyrighted previously.
You may make one copy for personal use. Permission granted to share
with 4 or 5 friends. This full notice
must appear with the collection or with individual poems. No mass-distribution,
no commercial or for-
profit use. For permission to post "Seasons" Poems on your web page or blog,
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